
Ha fallecido Stanley Sadie

Ahora mismo, al entrar en el Grove Online, me he encontrado con la noticia del fallecimiento de Stanley Sadie, ocurrido el pasado día 21. Fue, durante una buen parte de su vida, uno de los musicólogos más influyentes (si no el más influyente) del mundo. Las razones se encuentran en esta necrológica que he retirado de la página del Grove:

Stanley Sadie
30 October 1930 – 21 March 2005
It is with deepest sadness that Grove Music Online marks the passing of editor emeritus Stanley Sadie. When Stanley undertook the task of editing the sixth edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, in 1970, he was already well known for his music criticism and his editorship of the Musical Times. Over the next ten years he brought to Grove unparalleled creative vision, charismatic leadership and inexhaustible energy. The resulting New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, published in 1980, was a resource of such depth and breadth that it changed the very nature of music scholarship. In the ensuing 20 years he edited or co-edited a large family of Grove encyclopedias and handbooks, culminating in the 29-volume second edition of The New Grove, published both in print and online in 2001. Stanley remained an active and influential figure in music up to his death. His legacy, in Grove and his other publications, is immeasurable; he will be missed wherever love of music combines with intellectual curiosity.
Laura Macy22 March 2005